As May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, motorcycle riders should be aware that effective June 1, 2012, new motorcycle helmet regulations will come into effect. ( link ) This will require motorcycle riders to wear a helmet that meets DOT, Snell M2005, Snell M2010, or ECE Helmet Safety Standards. The biggest effect of this new legislation is that the skullcap- or beanie-style helmets that have become popular in recent years will no longer meet the requirements of the legislation.
In the event of a motorcycle collision were the rider sustains a head or brain injury, ICBC or the insurance defence lawyer often argues that the rider was not wearing an adequate helmet, was wearing a helmet that did not fit properly, or was wearing the helmet improperly. After June 1, 2012, with the new requirements, it is likely that boilerplate defence pleadings will start to emerge that allege failure to wear a helmet that conforms with these new regulations.
Of course, safety is the most important issue here, and all motorcycle riders that are using one of the skullcap- or beanie-style helmets should be going out to buy themselves and their passengers helmets that will afford them the best protection possible and that will conform to the new regulations. As a passenger, if one of these approved helmets is not available for your use, it is advisable that you not to get on the motorcycle until one is provided.
If you or a loved one are injured in a motorcycle accident, the ICBC claim lawyers at Becker Lavin & Wessler can help. Give us a call at 604-689-3883, or visit our website at