The Vancouver Sun recently reported on the development of a blood test to detect traumatic brain injury or concussion ( link ). If successful, this will be an important tool for doctors, and injury lawyers, in the quest to help those that have suffered brain injuries, head injuries, concussions or traumatic brain injuries.
In the case of mild traumatic brain injury, the standard diagnostic tests of CT scans (that expose the patient to radiation about the head) and even the most sensitive MRI scans for brain injury (Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI)) may not detect the microscopic bleeding or neuron shearing that results from a blow to the head or injury to the brain in rapid acceleration-deceleration events. The patient may be discharged home from the emergency room without the proper treatment. In the case of a car accident, with normal CT scan results and MRI scan results, it is more difficult for an auto injury lawyer to prove that the patient sustained a brain injury. Insurance companies are sceptical when there is a lack of objective evidence of injury. With a positive blood test for brain injury, the doctors and lawyers will have a much better chance of making sure that the patient is treated properly, both within the medical environment and in litigation.
If you have sustained a brain injury, concussion, head injury, or any type of injuury in a car accident in British Columbia, the ICBC injury lawyers at Becker Lavin & Wessler can help. Call us today at 604-689-3883 or fill out our free consultation form.
Labels: brain injury, car accident, head injury, ICBC, traumatic brain injury